Dafo Vehicle Fire Suppression Systems have been approved according to the new UNECE R107 standard
In July 2018 the UNECE R107 regulations to further enhance passenger safety becomes mandatory on all new types of class lll buses.
Most bus fires start in engine compartments and surrounding areas. The best first response in case of an emergency is a tested and classified fire suppression system in combination with good fire detection.
Dafo Forrex Fire Suppression System with the patented Forrex SV-K tank represents a safety technology, developed to use worldwide in both cold and hot climate. Many of the world’s leading bus manufacturers install Dafo Forrex Fire Suppression Systems on the assembly line
The new and completely pressure less Dafo Vulcan Fire Suppression System is the result of a unique European cooperation that will change our view on the provision of fire safety on buses. The system combines the well-recognized Dafo reliability and performance with user and installation friendliness. The optional CAN-bus module gives the opportunity to display, supervise and control the vehicle fire suppression system in a new and unique way.
- Next year all new types of class lll buses must meet the requirements of UNECE R107. Both our suppression systems are proven by passing the UNECE R107 standard and will significantly reduce the chances of operator error, eliminate delays in responding to fire and reduce property damages,says Johan Balstad, Vehicle Fire Protection Manager at Dafo Brand AB, Sweden.
For further information, please contact:Johan Balstad, Manager, Dafo Brand AB
Phone: +46 (8) 506 405 50, johan.balstad@dafo.se
For press images, please contact:
Jeanette Chevalier, Head of Marketing Department, Dafo Brand AB
Phone: +46 (8) 506 405 01, jeanette.chevalier@dafo.se